
Hey I’m Radu and this is my notebook with scribblings and experiments. Here you’ll find various bits of writing, more or less opinionated.

I mainly build distributed applications and services while wearing different hats as required. I enjoy mentoring and enabling others achieve their goals.

Over the years I’ve successfully contributed to and led commercial projects for British and Romanian companies involving technologies such as: Python, JavaScript, GoLang, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Redis, Memcache, Gearman, Linux, Docker, AWS, AngularJS, VueJS, Gitlab CI, etc.

Played a role in a couple of volunteer projects as well:
Jucaushii and Revolushii — both related to IT news publishing.

Postgraduate with an M.Sc. in Computer Science from the Petru Maior University (thesis, Rom.) and a minor degree in Education.
Published “A Fault Tolerant, Peer-To-Peer Replication Network” at the IEEE Sibiu conference (paper, Eng.).

Some of my presentations can be seen on Slideshare, with the newer ones on Speakerdeck. Most of my open-source code is hosted on Github.

I’m a strong advocate for employee rights and better labour laws, for safe and inclusive work environments.

I fill my spare time doing various things: tinkering with electronics, Hi-Fi, photography, biking, travelling, hiking, etc.


To get in touch drop me a line at radu at this domain.
For work related matters I mainly use the above email address and sometimes Linkedin.

This website

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If you liked something posted here or have noticed an error please drop me an email.